Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 18

"If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!"

Only 18 days into this new lifestyle and I already feel like walking for the duration of a full-length movie is a mere trifle. I guess I'm going to have to pick up the pace a bit if 5 hours of walking feels like only a slight bit more effort than walking to the corner to check the mailbox. Sure, I sweat like a pig at a luau, but I'm feeling great!

OK, so I did have a bunch of rice for dinner; a diabetic no-no. But I know my carbs are well within tolerable limits and my calorie intake is minimal even before I start the daily burn-off.

Eating sugar free is not as hard as it used to be. Even this sad excuse for a town has a decent, howbeit quite overpriced, health food store. Got some non-dairy cheese today. I'll be trying that tomorrow.

Tonight I feel like my sinuses are on fire. The weather change is not being nice to any of us in the house. Even the dog looks a tad snottier than usual.

That being said, it's definitely sleepy time.

Day 18: 5 miles @ 3mph - 100 minutes.

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