Wednesday, September 9, 2009


God, I hate taking medication.

Yeah, my blood pressure was high, but seriously, is there a medication that can lower it without making me feel like I'm about to faint all day?

The numbers didn't change with the first dose. So the doc doubles it. Did they drop any? No.

So now I'm taking twice as much medication, experiencing twice the volume of side effects, and my blood pressure hasn't dropped any more than it would if I took a good nap.

I'm out of breath all day. If I try singing in the car, one of my last remaining pleasures in life related to music, I nearly black out. I get tunnel vision and the only way to keep from passing out is to close my eyes and try and regain composure. It's not exactly conducive to quality driving.

I know I'm overweight, but running out of breath after only a few steps outside the door... what's up with that?

And the sweating. Ugh. Yeah, one of the medications I'm taking is said to make me sweat more. I'm sweating like I'm fighting off pneumonia or the flu.

I'd be surprised if this weren't affecting my disposition.

I guess if I cared more I'd be a bit more upset. Being out of sorts physically has become my norm. It's just something I've come to accept. I just don't really get off on exacerbating my already uncomfortable state by adding more medication to the mix.

It seems that if there is a side effect to a medication I'll be one of those rare few who experiences it to its full effect.


1 comment:

Max Power said...

I hope you don't hate random people offering suggestions... nonetheless, I'm going to take a chance this will be recieved kindly. Read a book called Never Be Sick Again by Raymond Francis