Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 129 - 140

OK, so yeah, I dropped the ball.

Chalk this one up to the holidays, the move, the cold, the family visit, and most of all, Fringe.

I did stay away from the treadmill for a while, but I finally got back on last night and did my 5 miles in a perfectly respectable amount of time.

Despite eating out several times since we arrived in DC I've still managed to lose a few more pounds.

202 yesterday.

Heck yeah.

Anyway, I may or may not try to keep this blogging thing up. We'll see. Since we moved here most of what was causing me to need to vent has completely subsided.

Leesville, LA, is a life sucking hell hole. If the Army tries to send you to Fort Polk politely and respectfully decline.

Day 129-140: several miles at a decent pace.

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