Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 4

For the record, Metformin sucks.

I guess I could clarify for anyone beside myself who may actually read this drivel that I found out this week that I'm basically a type 2 diabetic. My doctor has told me to lose about 80-90 pounds, change my diet completely AGAIN, and, on top of all of the other medications I'm taking for my other various ailments, he prescribed me a twice-a-day 850mg diabetes pill that has me running to (and in, pardon the details) the bathroom practically all day.

I can't tell if I'm full or hungry anymore. I can't really eat anything I like so it's not like I'm really eager about eating anyway. I just eat because I have to. I have to lose the weight but I have to do it right. The last thing I need is to fall into a diabetic coma.

The general consensus is that most of my major issues will go away once the weight is off. I know I felt great when I was in shape 10 years ago, but I also know how much work I had to do to get to that point. Now my joints hurt too much to do what I did back then so I'm back to baby steps just like the first time I decided to get myself in shape 12 years ago.

Treadmill it is....

So yeah, uh, I did my 3 miles but I kicked up the speed so I could get it over with and rush my sweaty backside to the bathroom, AGAIN!

Day 4: 3miles @ 2.5-3mph, in roughly 66 minutes.

Oh, and no, I'm not going to bother posting my weight until I'm below 200lb, so nyah!

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