Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 34

I still itch, but at this point I'm not convinced it's the meds. I sweat a lot when I walk; a LOT. My pores open up and when the Louisiana swamp/sewer water hits my skin in the shower I start to break out like a plague victim.

This place is trying to kill me.

No offense to the locals, but why in the sphincter of Hades would anyone in their right mind live here?

Oh. Accidentally rhetorical. Never mind.

I watched a great movie today: Outsourced. It was one of those rare ones that made me want to start it up again right after it ended. Having lived overseas for several years I could definitely appreciate the nuances of culture shock and reverse culture shock. Beyond the superficial quirkiness of the protagonist's voyage of discovery of a completely different world the story was very heartwarming and cheerful. I think I will watch it again.

For the walk, however, I started late since it was a shopping day, and, don't tell anyone, I spent most of the early part of the day delaying it while sprawled out on the couch feasting my eyes on visual junk food.

I kept myself going with a Joe Rogan Netflix special. Joe is a great social commentator, and definitely does not pull punches. No, he's not for the PG crowd, or even the PG-13 crew, but he makes valid points while helping us laugh at ourselves. OK, so I picked his special because it was under an hour. There. I said it.

Hey, at least I kicked the speed up a notch today. I'm one step closer to achieving goal #1.

Day 34: 4 miles in 65 minutes.

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