Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 107

My last day of work at Ft. Polk. Wow, it feels good to be away from there.

Par for the course though, practically everyone I needed to see to have my clearing papers signed was nowhere to be found. Oh, and when i finally made it out to the Civilian Personnel Office at 3:45 there were no cars in the parking lot, the lights were out and the door was locked.


So yeah, I don't work there anymore, but I'm still going to have to go back there to turn in my paperwork. It had to be something. I just hope that's the last snag I run into as I clear out.

We celebrated by staying home and working more toward getting stuff packed up. Papa John's catered the evening events. It was momentously anticlimactic.

But who am I to begrudge a properly prepared cheeseless pizza?

Day 107: 5.4 miles in 90 minutes.

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