Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 108

Thanksgiving. My friend Tim invited us to his house to have dinner with them. It was awesome. The food was delicious, but even better it was awesome to be with friends. I will really miss Tim and his family. They're just going to have to come visit us in DC, and that's that.

Our son showed off his leet LEGO Batman skills on Tim's XBox360 and his giant projection screen monitor. I can't blame him for not wanting to put the controller down and leave. Some day I'll need to get us a better projector and a good sound setup. For now though we're amply set up for the little bit we do game these days.

I'm going to have to pack up the computer tomorrow or Saturday to make sure we're ready in case the truck shows up on Sunday. Nothing but iPads for us until we're in the new place.

It's hard to believe that we're only a few days away from being out of here and on the road. Lord, I can't wait!

I had to slow down tonight. I was tired, probably from the really good turkey I had eaten earlier. I still managed to go the distance in the usual amount of time, but I had to drop it to 3mph for the second half of the walk. 2 episodes of Law and Order SVU later and I was glad to be done.

I'm sore but I'm done.

Day 108: 5 miles even in 90 minutes.

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