Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 116

December 3.

We got up early enough to get over to the apartment leasing office and check in with plenty of time to spare for the Comcast guys to show up and connect us.

I was a bit uneasy thinking that we were going to miss our appointment time, since things were going a bit slowly, but everything went smoothly as we were in the apartment relatively fast.

By 1400 the Comcast guys hadn't showed to I called the Philippines, apparently, and sought some tech support assistance.

Yeah, sure enough, they had shown up a day early, knocked on the door, and canceled our appointment when no one was there to answer.

They rescheduled us for the following TUESDAY!

Here I thought we were moving to civilization....

Since we knew we were on our own for the rest of the evening we decided to go to IKEA and go absolutely nuts, I mean, buy a bunch of things we needed, bad, and stuff.

Plus their meatballs are really good.

It got late and the fitness center at our apartments was closed when we got home. I wasn't really in the mood to walk anyway.


Day 116: IKEA.

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